Pest birds, including pigeons, mynas, starlings, and sparrows, are a common problem in Australia. These birds can cause damage to property, spread diseases, and displace native bird species. They are also a nuisance and can encourage other pests such as rats, cockroaches, flies, and lice. In this article, we will discuss the characteristics and habits of each bird and suggest methods to get rid of them.

Which Birds Are Considered As Pests in Australia


Pigeons are one of the most common pest birds in Australia. They are often found in urban areas, where they nest on buildings, bridges, and other structures. Pigeons are known for their droppings, which can cause defacement of buildings and infrastructure. They can also spread diseases such as salmonella and E. coli through their droppings. In addition, pigeon feathers and nesting materials can block pipes and gutters, causing water damage.


Mynas are another type of pest bird in Australia. These birds are native to Asia, but were introduced to Australia in the 1860s to control insect pests. However, they have since become a pest themselves, as they displace native bird species and cause damage to crops. Mynas are known for their noisy calls and aggressive behavior, and they can also spread diseases such as avian flu.


Starlings are a third type of pest bird in Australia. These birds are native to Europe and were introduced to Australia in the late 1800s. Starlings are known for their ability to mimic other bird calls and sounds, and they can also cause damage to fruit crops. They are often found in large flocks and can displace native bird species.


Sparrows are a fourth type of pest bird in Australia. These birds are native to Europe and Asia, and were introduced to Australia in the 1860s. Sparrows are known for their aggressive behavior and their ability to breed rapidly. They can cause damage to crops and displace native bird species.

To control pest birds, there are a number of methods that can be used. Bird trapping is one method that is often used to remove pest birds from an area. This involves setting traps to capture the birds, which can then be removed and relocated. However, it is important to ensure that this is done in a humane manner, and that the birds are not harmed during the process.

Methods of controlling bird pests

Another method for bird control Sydney is to remove their nests. This can be done by physically removing the nests or by using deterrents such as spikes or netting to prevent the birds from nesting in the first place. It is important to note that some species of birds, such as pigeons, may continue to return to the same location even after their nests have been removed, so it may be necessary to use other methods in conjunction with nest removal.

Bird-proofing is another method that can be used to control pest birds. This involves modifying the area where the birds are nesting or roosting to make it less attractive to them. For example, installing bird spikes or netting can prevent birds from landing or nesting on buildings or other structures. Other methods include installing sound or light deterrents, or using fake owls or hawks to scare off the birds.


In conclusion, pest birds such as pigeons, mynas, starlings, and sparrows can cause a variety of problems in Australia. They can damage property, spread diseases, and displace native bird species. It is important to control pest birds in a humane and effective manner, using methods such as bird trapping, removal of nests, and bird-proofing. By doing so, we can help to reduce the negative impact of pest birds on our environment and infrastructure.

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