Solar energy is a popular choice for many homeowners in Sydney. With an abundance of sunlight and the desire to reduce carbon emissions, it’s no surprise that more and more people are installing solar panels on their homes. However, as with any structure, solar panels can attract unwanted visitors, namely birds. Bird droppings and nests under and on solar panels can reduce their efficiency and cause damage to the panels. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: solar panel bird proofing.

Expel Pest Control offers solar panel bird-proofing services to protect solar panels from bird infestations. The company understands that birds can cause significant damage to solar panels, and it is important to get rid of the problem quickly. The company offers a solution to this problem by installing an exclusion system like bird spikes and weather-resistant mesh to prevent birds and animals from making a home under and around solar panels.

Solar panel bird proofing involves several steps

The process of solar panel bird proofing involves several steps. The first step is to assess the site and determine the best exclusion system for the particular situation. The company’s experienced technicians will evaluate the location of the solar panels, the type of birds that are causing the problem, and the severity of the infestation. Based on this evaluation, they will recommend the best solution for the customer’s needs.

Once the best exclusion system has been determined, the company will install it around the solar panels. This will typically involve the installation of bird spikes and weather-resistant mesh. Bird spikes are designed to make it difficult for birds to perch on or around the solar panels, while the weather-resistant mesh is designed to keep birds and other animals from making a home under the panels. Both of these products are durable and long-lasting, ensuring that the exclusion system is virtually maintenance-free.

Benefits of the exclusion system

One of the benefits of the exclusion system is that it not only prevents birds from nesting under and around solar panels but also protects the panels from potential damage caused by birds. Birds can cause significant damage to solar panels, such as scratching or pecking the surface, which can be costly to repair. The exclusion system will protect the solar panels from such damage, ensuring that they remain efficient and effective for years to come.

Customers can contact the company for a free quote, which will include an assessment of the site and a recommendation for the best exclusion system. The company’s technicians are experienced in installing exclusion systems for a wide range of situations, including residential and commercial properties. They understand the importance of protecting solar panels from bird infestations and will work with the customer to find the best solution for their needs.

Services Provided By Expel Pest Control

In addition to offering solar panel bird proofing Sydney services, the company also provides other pest control services. They understand that pests can be a problem for homeowners and businesses alike and offer a range of solutions to address these problems. Whether it’s rats, mice, ants, or other pests, the company has the experience and expertise to provide effective pest control Sydney and also bird control Sydney solutions.

The company’s commitment to customer service is evident in their approach to business. They understand that each customer is unique and will work with them to find the best solution for their needs. They also understand that customers want to work with a company that is reliable, trustworthy, and professional. The company’s technicians are all licensed and insured, ensuring that customers can have confidence in the quality of the work.

In conclusion, solar panel bird proofing is an essential service for anyone who has installed solar panels on their property. Bird droppings and nests can reduce the efficiency of solar panels and cause damage, which can be costly to repair. The company in Sydney offers a range of exclusion systems to prevent birds from making a home under and around solar panels. Their experienced technicians will assess the site and recommend the best solution for the customer’s needs. With their commitment to customer service and quality workmanship, customers can have confidence in the services we provide.

For more information call us at +61408226446 or visit our website

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